Sell iPhone 12 Pro Max

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Smartphones & Tablets

  •  You must include a charger with your device unless the device uses a Lightning or Type-C cable.
  •  You must include any accessories that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
    • Examples: S-Pen on Note devices, Keyboard on some hybrid tablets.


  •  Your device must include a set of bands that meet the requirements of the condition chosen.
  •  You must include a charger with your device.
  •  You must include any accessories that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
    • Examples: S-Pen on Note devices, Keyboard on some hybrid tablets.


  •  You must include a charger with your device.
  •  You must include any accessories that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
    • Examples: S-Pen on Note devices, Keyboard on some hybrid tablets.

Game Consoles

  •  Your device must include at least one controller that meet the requirements of the condition chosen.
  •  You must include all cables that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
  •  You must include any accessories that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
    • Examples: S-Pen on Note devices, Keyboard on some hybrid tablets.


  •  You must include all cables that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
  •  You must include any accessories that are included with the device when purchased brand new.
    • Examples: S-Pen on Note devices, Keyboard on some hybrid tablets.


  • Phone Condition: device should have no wear and look brand new.
  • Functionality: everything on the device should work perfectly
  • Battery Health:  should be above 80%


  • Phone Condition: device should show signs of light use. Can not have any bends, or cracks.
  • Functionality: everything on the device should work perfectly
  • Battery Health:  should be above 80%


  • Phone Condition: device should show medium to heavy signs of use. Can not have any bends, or cracks.
  • Functionality: everything on the device should work perfectly
  • Battery Health:  should be above 80%

Not Cracked (Functional Issue)

  • Phone Condition: device should be in either “Excellent”, “Good”, or “Fair” condition. Can not have any bends, or cracks.
  • Functionality: device can have a repairable functional issue such as bad battery, speaker, camera, ect. Motherboard issues not accepted.
  • Battery Health:  does not have a required percentage.

Cracked (Fully Functional)

  • Phone Condition: device should be in either “Excellent”, “Good”, or “Fair” condition, but with a cracked screen and/or back only.
  • Functionality: everything on the device should work perfectly with the exception of cracked screen.
  • Battery Health:  should be above 80%

Cracked (Functional Issue)

  • Phone Condition: device should be in either “Excellent”, “Good”, or “Fair” condition, but with a cracked screen and/or back only.
  • Functionality: device can have a repairable functional issue such as bad battery, speaker, camera, ect. Motherboard issues not accepted.
  • Battery Health:  does not have a required percentage.


  • Phone Condition: device may be in any condition cosmetically. Device must be fully intact.
  • Functionality: any device that has a motherboard issue, or serial number issue (blacklisted, iCloud locked ect.) go here.
  • Battery Health:  does not have a required percentage.